Performance & Competition
What We
Competition Ready
For those riders who have an interest in competing and want to set goals and achieve success with their horses then we can support you all the way. Sam is a Recognised BD Coach and an Advanced Centre10 coach and still out competing. Together we can build a comprehensive training program working on all aspects of that process so you can compete at your best with your horses best interest at heart.
Developing a love of your training process, setting clear and tangible goals and making sure your horse is at the forefront of your competition goals makes for a really enjoyable journey of discovery and plenty of success.
We like to take an holistic approach making sure you have a good solid team to support you and your horse a long the way. Creating a great team to include your Vet, Farrier, Physio, saddler and equine nutritionist will all play a really big part of your success and it doesn’t have to set you back financially. Your fitness and wellbeing will also be integral to your goals and success and we can work with specialists to promote your best practice to further develop you and make sure you are at your best for your horse. It’s good to step back and ask-what does my horse need from me to perform at their best.
Test Riding
Are you competing at “Your Best”…?
As a list 5 judge (working towards 4) and a competitor Sam can help your competition experience and success. Understanding what the judges are looking for and how to optimise your performance. Looking at your horses way of going, your test riding accuracy, mindset, competition preparation and strategies for your warm up.
We can find those all important extra marks and percentages with a more focused and consistent approach
Parents in Sport
How easy are you finding it to navigate the equestrian world and maintain your sanity?
Do you feel like the pressures of competing is affecting your relationships and most importantly are you setting the best example to your future star to thrive and not get wrapped up in the “winning”
I am a parent of successful sporting children (now adults still actively involved in these sports) I know first hand how difficult it can be to remain calm and collected and how important it is to the healthy success of your child within the sport that it is enjoyable and a positive experience for all the family.
Children have to navigate a lot of external and internal pressures and it’s easy to get carried away with all the hype and pressures which can affect confidence, performance and at worst making what was once fun miserable for everyone.
Sam offers mentoring and coaching support for parents and young riders so you can navigate the system better, make informed decisions based on facts not emotions so you can help your children flourish and thrive in their chosen hobby.

"Myself and my pony started coaching with Sam a few years ago, Sam has held my hand (sometimes quite literally)from barely being able to walk a circle to competing at BD area competitions.
I have recently bought myself a 5year old and excited to start the journey with Sam and my new pony."​
Vikki Chuter